Frederico Silva - Blog

Software Engineer

Big things are happening in my life, I will start working on a new company next Monday. With that news came another news: I'll have to use a Mac.

I’m always looking for side projects to learn something, this time my goal was create a live wallpaper. From this arose MBW (Material Battery Wallpaper). Material Battery Wallpaper shows your current battery status with simple material design colors or with your own photos or wallpapers. For personal images it allows...

If you use and abuse of external libraries you may be confronted with a huge problem, a single Dalvik Executable (dex) file can only reference 65k methods. If that limit was exceed you will see something like this: Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: method ID not...

Regarding my new app KeepItOn, has being reported some bugs describe that app stops working. Testing on my devices all is working as expected, and after some research I found the problem was in the android version(4.4.2), as indicated here. Returning START_STICKY on service, you are telling the system that...

KeepItOn (KIO) is an application designed to end the scourge of the screen turns off while we are reading or watching something. So annoying, at least for me… How it works KIO detect any small movements and prolongs the time to turn off the screen, like if you have touched...

As a Portuguese I had problems with subtitles encoding, with some research I find a solution (all credits to Amit Bh) All we have to do is clone the popcorn repo, edit one file and make a build.

ShowTipsView let you highlight interest points on your app.

A common feature that most apps will need is a way to get new content and a way to get old content. To achieve this goal with need to implement the SwipeRefreshLayout, a standard PullToRefresh provided by Android SDK. The SwipeRefreshLayout can only hold one child, a scrollable view, in...

Hello, I decided to start this blog as a way to take some notes of the work I do. Serves not only for me to use as a personal “programmer” notes, but also hope that it will be useful to someone who is having the same problem / task. I...